I love the idea of this site! I would love to give back to the community with mentoring and coaching beyond just the walls of my company!
💫 Managing up, down and around
🗺️ The technical or people track?
📽 Presenting your work
🏆 Effective technical leadership
💻 Managing remotely
Here’s what Merit users have said about Natalie
Natalie works in the field I'd love to get involved in. As someone who doesn't work in tech, she provided tips on how to get my resume noticed, and what recruiters and hiring managers were looking for! Thanks to her tips, my resume landed me interviews at a couple healthcare companies and resulted in an offer!
Software Engineer · 5,000+ employees
Natalie works in the industry I'd like to break into (although not the exact role I'm interested in) - and she was able to provide helpful insight on framing my story and what she looks for as a hiring manager.